terça-feira, janeiro 31, 2006


ou auto-ajuda anti-clichê

Fazer o que, o texto veiu assim em inglês... vai ver é saudade que meus dedos tem de escrever nessa língua, que sempre serviu de suporte pra minhas loucuras! =p


I can get despair from any fountain, cause sadness is just another kind of madness. I mean, it doesn’t have any reason to be, doesn’t make sense at all. Depression is so stupid… how can we feel so bad, worse than anyone? We’re all full of shits, and all full of graces. We have to be very stupid not to see the last ones. And almost always, we are. Stupidly believing that pain has a reason itself, but it has not.
The world is very dangerous, there are traps everywhere, and we need to be very fast, and very smart, not to be caught up. It’s not about courage, it’s all about survival. I don’t keep pushing on because of any kind of courage, but because of fear, the fear that I have of letting myself behind, of being unhappy, of feeling empty and lonely again. I have tasted from despair. I know what kind of suffer is waiting for me if I let it catch me. And I know that there are infinite ways to suffer, but none of then is bigger, or worse, than the one I tasted, cause it was the non-living one. The living ones are almost always lighter. Or at least, it’s the same thing, but with some extra-advantages, like the risk of having fun and being loved.
I think that no one that has a really good friend can feel despair, at least not for a long time. Friends are people that can see us very clearly, and they can show, even without words, that we can not see it right, that we don’t have reason to feel despair. We can’t give up. Not because of honor, or anything like this, but because we will be caught up by the trap, the pain trap: being unhappy for no reason, and making other people unhappy too. Happiness is always shared, and so we can’t do with pain. It is, in the opposite way, multiplied, making other people to be caught up.
Reasons to feel the happiness? I can find them anywhere, by any fountain: from a song, from a smile, from a beautiful sunset. Yes, it’s stupid too. Explanation for it? It doesn’t have one. I just feel. I just try to keep pushing on. It’s no about faith, I repeat, it’s all about survival. If it is to be stupid, be a happy one. Don’t loose such time trying to understand. Human being has being trying it for so very long, and hasn’t found it. But millions have already found happiness. And now, what? What you’re gonna do?

*special thanks to michel ;)

Um comentário:

Nanquim disse...

Adoro essa palavra: survival...
Mas tenho q me pedir um pouquinho de paciÊncia a mais p ler...
sabe como é... texto em inglês ainda dá uma certa preguissa...

PS. como assim na voz da Adriana???